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245_5464_web_enlarged.jpg  Photo: by Darryl Dyck, AP

於是這學年我的最後期末考, 心理學史, 在溫哥華Canucks以二比一, 七戰四勝擊敗芝加哥黑鷹隊的歡呼聲中結束了。

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  • Feb 23 Wed 2011 15:39
  • 我懂

二月的第三個禮拜正是UBC ㄧ周的讀書假(reading break), 


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原因是怕寂寞, 尤其是當其他人都好像有人陪伴

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On our way back home, Pavel was talking to me about the lectures that he has been giving the past week. He said that it didn't feel that long ago when he was a student sitting in a lecture hall in Jerusalim, and that he is in a reversed role made him feel old.

Time flies faster than the nimbus 2000 that Harry Potter rides in the first book. A term has already gone by, and I could feel that my second bachelor graduation isn't far in the future from now. It seems like the older I get, the less amount of time I'm able to hold on to.

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Who knew that studying History would make one hungry? I had this experience twice now when I was studying history, and the image and smell of McDonald's (short of sound) crept into my consciousness and demanded that I satisfy this craving before any more course-related information could be ingested - it's like the people who are lactose intolerant have to take lactase to digest dairy products.


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Thursday, November 6th, 2008, two days after Obama won the election. It was two years ago when I first met him (I even remember that I took the bus from UBC and arrived at 6:16pm on Burrad and Davie).


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I have always had problems with grammar in my writing, and I have never faced the problem until this term. I thought I needed to tackle this issue because there are many more writing assignments for Arts student than for Science students, and me being a new Psychology Student this year means that the exams will have more essay questions that require not only presenting the answers but expressing them in a coherent and effective manner.

Yesterday was the last grammar session, and I am taking the writing with style class that begins next week. The grammar class was only once a week for two and a half hour, which is almost equivalent to the amount of lecture time for a typical university course. As a result of having only one session a week, there were a lot of materials covered within a short amount of time, and to not have delay in the set schedule, new materials were often introduced before one could absorb the materials given. But it turned out to be a class that I always looked forward to attending, and a significant part of my motivation was because I liked the instructor (and his style of teaching).

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Sanctuary: a place of refuge or safety; it's been my sanctuary from dailly hassles, decision making, and desires.

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社會的制約, 傳統, 束縛, 流行


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