目前分類:School (3)

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時間過得真快, 暑假已經過了ㄧ個月了, 可是覺得好像才剛考完最後ㄧ個期末考。

declan174 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

At this point in time, I am sincerely resenting school, and will be for the next 192 hours.

declan174 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

barber learning centre.jpg

It's been a month since the fall term has begun, and I feel like being hit by a truck. What's wonderful about the term is that the summer-like weather has lingered on for a little while longer than expected. And all sorts of crazy activities were happening across the campus during the first month that perhaps were part of a propaganda the university used to convince the students that life at the institution is not that bad: it can be HOT!!.

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