
其實【九降風】已經看過很多次了,但是沒有一次完全看懂過,也讀過許多人的觀後感想,但是沒有一個滿意的,大多是談自己也有過類似的高中生活。幾天前我從自己的 itune 隨機選歌聽到我期待,意外的從歌詞中我找到自己對這部電影的解釋。仔細檢討,我不確定是否因為自己沒有一個相似的青春時光所以沒看懂電影 ,還是青春過了太久已經忘記與它道別的時候,或其實一直覺得還停留在青春裡,抗拒看懂電影殘忍的描述青春的流逝。

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時間過得真快, 暑假已經過了ㄧ個月了, 可是覺得好像才剛考完最後ㄧ個期末考。

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245_5464_web_enlarged.jpg  Photo: by Darryl Dyck, AP

於是這學年我的最後期末考, 心理學史, 在溫哥華Canucks以二比一, 七戰四勝擊敗芝加哥黑鷹隊的歡呼聲中結束了。

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The return.jpg

“The Return” could be interpreted in several ways. On the surface level, it is the return of the father to the children. It can also be interpreted as the return of the children from the trip with their father. The irony is that, in both interpretations, the characters do not return. The father is unable to return, and the children could never return to their way of life before they met their father.

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  • Feb 26 Sat 2011 12:34
  • 收穫


和ㄧ位與我同樣是指導學生(directed studies student)

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  • Feb 23 Wed 2011 15:39
  • 我懂

二月的第三個禮拜正是UBC ㄧ周的讀書假(reading break), 


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dining table1.jpg


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coal harbor.jpg


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原因是怕寂寞, 尤其是當其他人都好像有人陪伴

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On our way back home, Pavel was talking to me about the lectures that he has been giving the past week. He said that it didn't feel that long ago when he was a student sitting in a lecture hall in Jerusalim, and that he is in a reversed role made him feel old.

Time flies faster than the nimbus 2000 that Harry Potter rides in the first book. A term has already gone by, and I could feel that my second bachelor graduation isn't far in the future from now. It seems like the older I get, the less amount of time I'm able to hold on to.

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